2015 Whistler Business Labour Survey
The 2015 Whistler Business Labour Survey was an action item coming out of the Chamber-hosted “Finding Solutions to Whistler’s Labour Issues” meeting on August 18th where nearly 100 local businesses attended (Chamber members and non-members alike) – the survey was conducted from late August to mid-September. The survey gives clearer data on the state of the labour issue in the resort (including capturing some of the negative impacts to business and how they are responding). The answers will help us in our advocacy efforts with Ministers – and help clarify where we as a Chamber (and business community) should focus our efforts to attract and retain more staff in the resort.
79 businesses participated in the survey (73 were Chamber members)
- 74% were small businesses (under 50 employees)
- 25% of participants have over 50 employees
- Top three participating business categories: F&B, Accommodation and Retail
- Other business categories covered in the survey include: activity & recreation, construction & trades, business and professional services, health & medicine, spas & salons etc.
Survey Highlights:
- Working Holiday Visa holders and Temporary Foreign Workers are a necessary complement to our workforce: 81% of respondents report employing WHV holders and 26% report employing TFWs.
- Business have been responsive to the notion that they have to “do more” to attract and retain staff – from rolling out wage increases to adding additional non-wage benefits.
- 78% of businesses surveyed instituted a wage increase in the last 6 months to attract or retain a team member
- 72% of those surveyed rolled out a wage increase between 6-25%
- 78% of businesses reported having unfilled positions – and 46% businesses reported having over 4 positions in need of filling