Building business connections and networking at a Whistler Chamber Apres event.

Every year, we asked our members why they sign up. And every year, one of the biggest responses we hear is for our networking and Chamber Après events.

We’re not going to lie – these events are some of the most fun parts of the job, too.

So if you haven’t yet renewed your membership for the year, or if you’re thinking of signing up to become a Member with the Whistler Chamber, here are three reasons why building business connections is a must for local businesses.

1. Grow your own business

When you walk into a crowded room filled with Whistler business people, you never know which one might be your next valuable client, supplier, or mentor.

You might chat to someone who has a great idea to help your business, or someone who is facing the same issue that you can team up with to sort it out together. You might find someone who is looking for your exact product or service, or someone who will make that connection for you elsewhere.

Whether it’s an immediate boost to your business, or one that takes a few months to grow and unfold, these connections you make over cheese and wine can be invaluable.

2. Increase branding

If you think of building connections as an exercise in marketing, it’s easy to see how it can benefit your brand.

You are a walking, talking, appetizer-nibbling billboard for your business, and no one will be as passionate or as positive about your brand as you will. As such, a networking event is your opportunity to showcase exactly what you do, and to put a personal face to the brand.

Getting your name out there can help to grow awareness of your brand over time, and in a small town like Whistler, there’s nothing quite like word of mouth to help your business thrive.

3. Support other local businesses

Did you know that for every $100 spent with a BC local business, $63 is recirculated back into the BC economy?

We could drown you in stats about why it’s great to support each other, but the crux of the argument is that creating business connections doesn’t just help you – it helps other local brands as well. As a Chamber of Commerce, we know that Whistler thrives when locals and businesses alike shop local, and that those positive impacts reverberate across the community with every purchase you make. 

Bonus round: Networking events are just plain fun

Building business connections isn’t all about swapping business cards and making elevator pitches – especially in Whistler (and especially at our networking events).

These events are downright fun, with awesome activities, delicious food and drink, live music, and some of the coolest, most driven people in town.

Explore our upcoming networking events and workshops to start building your business connections here.