
Community of Practice

Local thought leaders share inspiration from their areas of expertise, to help you move forward in these unprecedented times. 


Finding Peace in Times of Uncertainty

Finding Peace in Times of Uncertainty

A New Reality. Where we currently find ourselves: May 2020 and a global pandemic. Normally, early days in May bring that familiar anticipation for summer, when the sun begins to rise earlier and earlier every day, notifying us that a change is on the horizon. This spring is different; not only a change in seasons but for most of us…

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Surviving Working From Home With Kids

Surviving Working From Home With Kids

Unfiltered: Family + Work + Home = A Hot Mess. If I thought building my business was hard, nothing compares to trying to keep it alive while home full-time home with my 3 young children and dog! Life as it was had its challenges: client commitments, work travel, homework, sports, activities, play dates etc…

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An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Working from Home

An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Working from Home

Some of us entrepreneurs and ambitious humans thrive off of having a busy schedule that is filled with meetings, events and deadlines. Although a lot of us love the rush and feeling of busyness, it’s safe to say that we have all fantasized about slowing down, hitting pause or just being able to work from home…

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Business in the Time of COVID-19

Business in the Time of COVID-19

About a year ago, the Whistler Chamber team began planning sessions to create the vision for our 5 year strategic plan. One of the pillars of that plan is Community of Practice. Now, at the time I don’t think we ever expected this would be where 2020 would take us…

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The Big Shift

The Big Shift

The Big Shift March 23, 2020 By: Michelle Ratcliffe, Whistler Chamber, GM   We have crossed a threshold. Sure, life altering shifts are not new. Individually, we have all navigated uncharted waters and gleaned lessons from life’s paradigm shifts. But what’s...

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Human Ideas for Humans

Human Ideas for Humans

AN UPDATE FROM TESS EVANS, FOUNDER & DIRECTOR, HR GALAXY Human Ideas for Humans March 23, 2020   Starting with mental and physical health:   Peloton is offering a 90 day free use of their app. They do not ask for a credit card that will be charged later. They have...

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