
Advocacy win – Extension to Temporary Layoff Provision 

June 25, 2020


After listening to feedback from the collective voice of BC business, the provincial government has extended the temporary layoffs provisions to a maximum of 24 weeks expiring on Aug. 30, 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The extension will save many Whistler businesses from foreclosure if they had to pay out severance to their temporarily laid-off employees due to COVID-19. We understand that in most instances, employers want to bring back their teams, but more time is needed. The extended timeframe gives businesses more time to recuperate and reopen their doors.

This is an advocacy win for the Whistler Chamber and the rest of our Chamber network across BC. Thank you to everyone who took part in the surveys and brought their voices to this pressing conversation. Many of you shared in the most recent MindReader survey that the temporary layoff provision was top of and with your help, we made sure the provincial government knew that. See the results of the survey on this issue.

“This is an important advocacy win for the Whistler Chamber and our Members along with our provincial chamber network! This much needed extension will save many Whistler businesses from bankruptcy and foreclosure. Thank you to all of our Members and the broader business community who participated in making our voices heard.”

Melissa Pace, CEO, Whistler Chamber

Thank you to the BC government for acting on the BC business network’s request to further extend the temporary layoff provision in the Employment Standards Act to August 30th. By providing this flexibility for businesses, the provincial government is helping to get more British Columbians back to work.

We will continue to listen to our Members’ concerns and advocate for the Whistler business community. More than ever we want to hear from you, so please get in touch and let us know how we can be supporting you and your businesses on the road to recovery.

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Support for Business and Not-For-Profits

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