
Support in a Tight Labour Market

With many Members facing labour shortages, your Chamber is working hard to move the dial on these issues for our community.


The Challenge:

This is not just a local challenge. Across our province, 68,000 jobs have gone unfilled for the past four months – according to the Help Wanted Report by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. Smaller businesses are being hit hard, having double the vacancy rates as larger businesses.


We’re Taking Action:

Labour Needs Survey
This survey is now closed. Results are included in our white paper: Supporting Economic Growth in Tight Labour Markets (below).

Members meet with Jordan Sturdy, MLA for West Vancouver-Sea to Sky
Jordan Sturdy heard from Members at Thursday August 16 12@12 Member Input Session.

Moving the Dial on Temporary Foreign Worker Program
Your Chamber has written a Letter to Minister Hadju – Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour – outlining our community’s concerns and offering solutions. The Whistler Chamber’s letter was accompanied by white paper: Supporting Economic Growth in Tight Labour Markets and numerous letters from Whistler Chamber Members explaining why the TFWP is vital to their businesses.


Go Deeper: More Support in a Tight Labour Market

Summer Town Hall with MP Pamela Goldsmith-Jones
Thursday, Aug 30, 2018
9 – 10:30am
Maury Young Arts Centre

New Training: Immigration Strategies to Attract and Retain Employees
Thursday, September 6, 2018  **SOLD OUT**
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 **Additional session, due to high demand**
9 – 11am
Whistler Chamber Boardroom

Annual Employer & Employee Survey results are in
The powerful data from our business community will help guide the development of programs and initiatives to best serve Member needs.


Got Questions? Connect with us at 604.932.5922 or chamber@whistlerchamber.com.

2015 Whistler Labour Survey

2015 Whistler Labour Survey

The 2015 Whistler Business Labour Survey was an action item coming out of the Chamber-hosted “Finding Solutions to Whistler’s Labour Issues” meeting on August 18th where nearly 100 local businesses attended

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Garibaldi at Squamish

Garibaldi at Squamish

As a business organization, the WCC supports well-considered growth and intelligent investment that drives long term economic health in the Sea to Sky Corridor. Yet the proposal put forward by Garibaldi At Squamish, Inc. in its current form does not appear to support either.

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BC Family Day

BC Family Day

Moving Family Day to the 3rd Monday would cause unnecessary compression in BC destination mountain resorts which could have a negative impact on the guest experience. Avoiding a holiday overlap, however, provides British Columbians – and out-of-province guests – with better quality Family Day and vacation experiences respectively.

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IOC inclusion of LGBT community

IOC inclusion of LGBT community

As a business community, we encourage the IOC to recall its Olympic Charter when it says it will cooperate with competent organizations and authorities in the endeavor to place sport at the service of humanity, as Russia’s anti-gay stance threatens to overshadow the games.

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Proposed Antenna Siting

Proposed Antenna Siting

The Whistler Chamber is convinced the new antenna system site proposed for 7196 Lorimer Road (that will sit well above the existing tree line) will be an eyesore in a resort that prides itself on natural vistas.

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