Working to Make Business Better – Chamber Advocacy
Jan 31, 2022
Many people don’t fully understand the advocacy work that goes on behind the scenes at the Whistler Chamber. For us, advocacy is a year-round ongoing effort to influence policy and decision-makers to address issues in our community. CEO Melissa Pace is in regular contact with MLA Jordan Sturdy, MP Patrick Weiler, and the extended Chamber Network provincially and federally to discuss the ever-changing business landscape as employers grapple with issues.
Let’s dive a littler deeper into some details regarding Chamber advocacy.
Priority Areas
We take pride in our track record of moving the dial on challenges facing businesses in Whistler. By addressing labour market issues, housing and transportation concerns, the lack of daycare options, and ensuring that subsidies and grants are extended to every corner of the business community, the Chamber champions your interests.
To learn more about the core tenets of our local advocacy work, check out “Moving Whistler Forward”.
Extended Chamber Network & Policy Resolutions
As a member of both the BC and Canadian Chambers of Commerce, the Whistler Chamber is part of a large network advocating for the interests of businesses across the country. Policy resolutions are introduced and meticulously considered at all levels, and Whistler’s voice is highly respected within these networks.
How Can I Get Involved?
We keep our finger on the pulse through regular touch points with our Members. We host monthly Advocacy in Action sessions as one method of connecting – these are small group discussions with community leaders from various industries where we provide an opportunity to discuss the needs and developing concerns of Whistler’s businesses. Our next session will be held on February 17th, we’d love to see you there!
Our Advocacy Committee is composed of Board Members and community leaders whose mandate it is to support in developing timely advocacy positions that help elevate Whistler’s business. Policy positions developed by the committee have a successful track record of being adopted at the provincial and national level. A recent notable victory saw our stance on enhancing the Working Holiday Visas program accepted by the BC and Canadian Chambers. If there is an issue you think the Whistler Chamber Advocacy Committee should consider, please email CEO Melissa Pace.
We launch a Member survey every spring to learn how we can better support your business. The five minutes required to fill it out go a long way toward lending your voice to our cause!
Solely for the advocacy work we conduct, your Chamber membership is a terrific investment into the business community in Whistler. The Whistler Chamber is a non-profit, meaning all membership fees are invested right back into your community and into rebuilding the economy in Whistler.
To learn more about Chamber advocacy, look over our dedicated webpage and recent advocacy blogs.